Message from the President

Board President’s Message

Over the last 34 years the team of Indian Association of Blood Cancer & Allied Diseases has made great strides on delivering the best care experiences for patients and families. We furthered our reputation as health care leaders and moved our strategy and vision forward through innovation in our areas of expertise.
As the world emerges from the pandemic, it is clear that that our humanitarian medical services strategy plan is more relevant now than when we first developed it. There is a greater need than ever before to focus on achieving health equity for all, and developing and deploying practical healthcare solutions using advanced analytics and technological support.
As we reflect on the past year, we are reminded of the unwavering compassion, dedication and resilience IABCD staff, physicians, learners and volunteers bring to our organization and community every single day. Our teams have stepped up in tremendous ways to care for our patients and contribute to community health care , medical services to patients suffering from cancer and blood disorders.
COVID-19 deeply affected all aspects of our lives as individuals and societies. Still, the year 2022 can be viewed as a success of science that provided us with powerful weapons against the virus.
Fortunately, we continue to collectively persevere and carry forward our medical services for suffering patients. Despite many challenges, IABCD’S patient care programme continues to be a beacon of hope.
The primary objectives of IABCD include: basic research in the field of transfusion medicine and haematological disorders and blood cancer care. The other objective of the activities of IABCD is a practical application of scientific achievements related to blood cancer, blood diseases and genetically-based diseases, providing biotechnology based solutions that can be used in the economy and as research services for its sustainability. Moreover, IABCD is involved in various educational programmes as well as popularization activities performed by the Ingenuity Council of Blood Centres India .In 2022 we initiated training sessions on cross-cultural interactions and competences. The programs of these sessions were tailored to various groups of our staff. We will continue these activities in 2023 to improve mutual understanding, acceptance, and efficient communication between staff members of different origins and cultural backgrounds.
IABCD’s goals are defined in three main areas of scientific quality • Make important scientific discoveries and report them in high-quality publications. • Strive for scientific excellence in rendering medical care and research. • Be recognized among the best transfusion medicine unit for haematological disorders.
As every year, at the IABCD we look into the future with optimism, powered by many ideas that we develop together, through brainstorming, consultations, and constructive criticism among various groups of staff. The guiding principle of all our activities is the commitment to excellent science driven by passionate researchers who are supported by professional administration.
We would like to thank our blood donors, volunteers, board members, donors, staff and all stakeholders including patients and their family members for joining and encouraging us , providing support and cooperation to overcome the challenges during pandemic period and creating a healthy platform to render medical services to patients suffering from leukaemia, thalassaemia, haematological disorders and other categories of patients who need blood and blood products to deal with emergency situations.
Warm regards,
Amalendu Pal